Donnerstag, 6. September 2012

Day 13 - Down the valley

Today's ride was easy and relaxed.
I did what I meant to do: going down the Gorges du Tarn as slowly as possible. I managed that by almost doing no peddling at all. The valley itself is surely one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. I gave just been gliding down on my bike, eyes and mouth wide open. So I arrived now where I will leave the Tarn again almost a week ahead schedule: in Millau. I got myself a nice little mobile home on a campsite. Rhese homes I remember well from my 4 years in France. I will stay here for two nights. Tomorro2I am booked into a "randonnee aquatique". This is just like canyoning, but without the gear and ropes. I'll bring my waterproof camera... ; -)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Jetzt scheint das mit dem Wetter auch besser zu klappen... ;-)
